The Privilege of Starting Up
Dotan Bar Noy, SVP at Delinea
Today on Tech Salescraft, James Hounslow is joined by Dotan Bar Noy, SVP of Technology at Delinea.
In this episode, Dotan extols the idea of founding start-ups as a privilege, which completely reframes how founders should go about hiring. Dotan is a seasoned founder and CEO of a number of businesses, so he really knows what he’s talking about when it comes to breaking into the North American market.
An enjoyable episode, which has so many valuable takeaways for tech founders, especially those planning to crack North America at long last.
Stream all other episodes of Tech Salescraft here.
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One of the Top 40 Sales Podcasts globally. Tech Salescraft brings you a weekly series of conversations that showcase technology and sales ingenuity. Hosted by North Starr’s CEO, James Hounslow, join us as he interviews Sales Leaders that are redefining excellence in their spheres while coaching A-Player teams along the way. We are always keen to feature exceptional individuals on the show who drive sales brilliance. If you know someone who may be the perfect guest for Tech Salescraft, or you would like to nominate yourself, get in touch with the team.
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