Being Ahead of the Sales Game | Tech Salescraft with Wendy Harris, Head of EMEA at Gong
On this episode of North Starr’s Tech Salescraft, James is joined by Wendy Harris, Head of EMEA at Gong.
Having started her career at one of the world’s most recognisable brands, Wendy helps us trace her career journey to date, honing in the points of pressure that made her both love and question her job.
Spearheading the growth of Gong in EMEA, Wendy offers us an exclusive look at a firm that is making some substantial waves across the industry. Gong gives you visibility of what is truly going on in your business- and it is this comprehensive awareness that is truly important to Wendy.
Wendy offers us her personal take on professional success. Besides a strong work ethic and doing everything to the best of your ability, it’s about staying ahead of the game. Just how do A-Players in Sales go about this?
Wendy shares her take on this in this brilliant episode of Tech Salescraft!
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