Success through a Process | Robert Den Drijver, VP EMEA at Vipre Security Group
For the first episode of Tech Salescraft in 2022, James was delighted to be joined by Robert Den Drijver, VP EMEA at Vipre Security Group. As a highly respected figure in the sales field, Robert brings his fascinating perspectives and experiences to a brilliant discussion. Exploring structure, process and their links to high-performance, Robert provides us with an empowering roadmap sure to transform business operations. A further highlight of the episode is his thoughts on the idea of a team, and understanding collective potential to enact real change. This is a truly wonderful way to kickstart this year of Tech Salescraft!
“Everybody in sales wants to be a high performer. If you’re in sales and don’t have that ambition, you’re in the wrong career.”
A key theme running throughout Robert’s discussion with James is the notion of enabling. People enter sales with the want to excel and exceed targets- they want to embody high performance. But as stressed by Robert, it is on firms to enable this want to become a reality. The professional environment and structure plays a large role in influencing how far people can take their ambition. By crafting a place where people can thrive, success becomes a natural steppingstone. Robert highlights that this looks different for everyone as uniqueness should be invited to the workplace. It is on those in management positions to understand what the various wants of the team are and to support people in reaching their full, individual potential. No two workplaces will execute this in the same manner, so it takes a great deal of understanding, empathy and collective creativity to create a high-performance environment best suited to the culture and people.
“We changed the cultural engagement with the people and asked, what can we do that will take us further than before?”
Feeding off the point of listening to your people to create the right environment for them, it’s also exploring how this plays into your wider growth plans. As a multinational, successful firm, Vipre has to create a global culture that propels their teams and marketplace reach in every corner of the globe. So Robert and his team openly asked what was needed to take the firm further. This represents a refreshing mindset that gives everyone a stake in growth. And it bolsters the latter work on high performance as an authentic investment in the work of the firm is key to a thriving environment. Robert firmly believes he is currently only touching the tip of the iceberg and envisions exciting growth for Vipre over 2022. By adopting this mindset of “what’s next?”, Robert will set him up for a consistent cycle of change and ground-breaking work.
This was a brilliant addition to the wealth of knowledge collated on Tech Salescraft, and was an absolute pleasure to feature the brilliant thoughts of Robert. Bringing fantastic guidance on teams and potential, Robert brought clarity to an increasingly convoluted conversation. Thank you Robert for joining us on the show, it was a pleasure to feature your fantastic insights!